Terms And Conditions

for Tasiilaq Tours
Theese terms and conditions are valid for Tasiilaq Tours

All stated prices are based on current purchasing price in Greenland and are in Danish Crowns (DKK) as shown on website. After receiving full payment prices are guareanteed. 


Sceduled tours

The full price of the tour must be payed upon reservation unless otherwise agreed.

Private departures & Logistic support  

The full price of the booking must be payed upon reservation unless otherwise agreed. 


The full price of the booking must be payed upon reservation unless otherwise agreed. 

Equipment Rent

The full price of the booking must be payed upon reservation unless otherwise agreed.



All cancellations must be made by e-mail to rasmus@tasiilaqtours.com

Cancellation Charges

Dependin on the type of booking, a costumer chooses the non-refundable fee differs.

To cover cost Tasiilaq Tours has the right to keep the fee stated below if costumers formally cancel booking.

Scheduled tours

    • 100 % of the tour price is charged if formally canceled withing 15 days before departure
    • If Tasiilaq Tours cancels a tour, 100% of the tour price is refunded.

Private departures / Logistic support

    • 50 % of the tour price is non-refundable if formally canceled 16- 30 days before departure.
    • 100% of the tour price is non-refundable if formally canceled within 15 days before departure.
    • If Tasiilaq Tours cancels a tour, 100 % of the booking is refunded.


    • 50 % of the booking price is non-refundable if formally canceled 42-60 days before check in.
    • 75 % of the booking price is non-refundable if formally canceled 16 - 42 days before check in.
    • 100 % of the booking price is non-refundable if formally canceled within 15 days before check in.
    • If Tasiilaq Tours cancels a booking, 100 % of the booking is refunded.

Equipment Rent

    • 100% of the booking price is non-refundable if formally canceled within 15 days prior to beginning of booking.
    • If Tasiilaq Tours cancels a booking 100 % of the booking is refunded. 



All our clients are advised to have a travel insurance that includes SAR (search and rescue).


In our tariffs, all quoted or shown rates are based on current purchasing prices in Greenland. If necessary Tasiilaq Tours reserved the right without notice to change already quoted prices on the internet or in price lists in case of currency fluctuation, government taxes, or other cost increases beyond our control. Any eventual changes in rates will not be made with less than 8 weeks' prior to arrival.

As soon as an invoice has been given out the price is guarenteed against any additional charges, except when an increase is due to obligatory government laws or currency changes. An amount equivalent to 5% of the price will be absorbed by Tasiilaq Tours. Amounts exceeding the 5 % will be charged and clients can cancel their booking an be refunded in full if the additional charges exceed 10 %.


Tasiilaq Tours reserves the right to alter tours and itineraries due to weather conditions, drift ice or for other security reasons. Changes or cancellations of programs at any time during a trip, can be made to ensure safety of clients and staff of Tasiilaq Tours. It's a client's full responsibility to meet the physical fitness level requirements of their tour. 

If clients are not physically fit for their tour, they may be dismissed from the tour at their own expense.

No responsibility is accepted for losses, expenses due to delays, changes of flights or other services or because of strikes, accidents, sickness, damage, negligence, weather, war, changes in schedules or other similar causes. Tasiilaq Tours does not assume responsibility for accidents or death that can be traced to the participant's negligence, acts or third parties, or exterir circumstances such as weather, natural occurrences, war or other similar causes. 


Grønlandsbanken / The bank of Greenland
Imaneq 33
3900 Nuuk


IBAN: GL6464710001543080

Tasiilaq Tours
3913 Tasiilaq 